Sunday 14 January 2007

Cheating Death

I don't want to achieve immortality through my work. I want to achieve it through not dying. --Woody Allen

As a defense mechanism against age, I've started taking the red wine extract resveratrol, which studies increasingly point to as a fountain of youth, virility, and athletic prowess in laboratory mice. (My supplement regimen should at least impress Minnie.). I owe my new-found immortality to Sirtris, the Bessemer-funded startup that's advancing its highly concentrated formulation of resveratrol through FDA trials.

Stem cell therapy is also touted for cheating death, as I was reminded today by Alan Colman (before he rushed off to the Clapton concert). Dr. Colman had made Dolly the cloned sheep--the first one ever outside Sand Hill Road. I met the former Oxford professor in Singapore, whose government (America, try to imagine this) seems to actually encourage scientific research (image left: Singapore's Biopolis). Dr. Colman's current startup develops stem cells that can turn into heart muscle for heart attack victims, or insulin-producing cells for diabetics.

If all that fails, I have another strategy for staying the same age forever: yesterday would have been my birthday, had I not skipped the date altogether by crossing the international date line. Hah!

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